Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Woes of Speeding

Judge Bonanza,
Recently, I just received my fourth speeding ticket this month and, therefore, had my license suspended. This latest ticket should be reconsidered. The police officers who pulled me over, though attentive and dedicated, were being far stricter than is usually deemed appropriate. It was a 55 mile zone and my car was going 61 miles per hour. It is an unspoken rule of the rode that, within reason, a person can drive a few miles over the speed limit with no trouble. I have passed other patrol cars while going that same speed in that area numerous times without being pulled over. It is my hope that, with these new insights, your Honor will reconsider the fee on the ticket.
Deepest Regards,
              Megan Nielson

To my beautiful mom,
You know how much I love you, right Mom? That's why I went through all that effort last week to pick you and Dad up from the airport, even in the middle of midterms. It's because I think you're the very best mom in the entire world. Since I know you're such a great mom and I love you so much, I hope you forgive me for that ticket I got on Friday. I'll pay it off myself, I promise! You won't have to worry about the money at all. I also know you were pretty mad about them revoking my license, but look on the bright side Mom, if you have to drive me to work everyday, we'll get to spend a lot of time together the next couple months. You know how much I've missed spending time with you since starting school, right? I'm really looking forward to it.

Hey guys,
Sorry, but I'm not going to be able to drive in the carpool anymore. Got my fourth ticket this month so they revoked my license. I know what you're thinking, but no, this one was definitely not my fault! I was only going six miles over the speed limit. Six measly little miles. And, if that doesn't get me any sympathy, guess what else? I got pulled over right in front of Mr. Steiner's house. Yes, I think you know what that means. The cop's lecture was nothing compared to all the shouting that came later. Apparently, 2:00 is Mr. Steiner's nap time and boy was he mad that he got woken up. With all his swearing and threatening, I think I can safely say he won't be buying any of my sister's girl scout cookies this year.Who knew that a man his age could be so loud?! Anyway, I'll see you guys in a couple days.
With any luck, I'll be driving to see you. I've sent a note off to the judge. Think that'll work?


  1. When you started talking about Mr. Steiner I had to think for a while to figure out who he was...then I realized that he isn't real and I'm not supposed to know him, haha.

  2. I'm pretty sure I loved reading yours the most, because they were the most realistic. These were all quite hilarious, and I definitely felt like I was actually taking part in the scenario going on. Brilliant work!

  3. Good job! These letters made me laugh:) I really liked how you added in the fact that you would be spending more time with your mom because you got the ticket. It's always best to focus on the positive side of things!
