Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Websites, Good and Bad

First off, I had two problems with the issues paper that I mentioned. One was that my paper did not seem very cohesive. The way I fixed this was by rereading it and anywhere it seemed chunky, I changed the wording or added transitions. My second problem was knowing how much research versus how much of my opinion should go into the paper. I didn't really consciously fix this problem. I wrote the paper and, while writing, tried to keep a healthy research/me ratio and I think that it ended up pretty well.

Next, effective vs. ineffective websites. Some websites that I think are effective:
1. Google. It is effective because it is so simple. Type in the clearly marked bar and you're done. It does just what it's supposed to. I also like the simple decoration. It's not too busy.
2. Rottentomatoes. It sets out what it is supposed to do and does it in an easy-to-understand way. I think a website is effective if a person can figure it out without someone else explaining it to them. Rottentomatoes does this. Everything is also conveniently located.
3. Yahoo. The bar on the side leads you anywhere you want to go. The design is nice and gentle (no super bright, eye-hurting colors).
4. Wikipedia. Another easy to navigate website. It definitely succeeds in its goal at being a universal encyclopedia that regular people can contribute to.

Finding ineffective websites is a lot harder. I chose the effective ones by which websites that I visit a lot, but I'm assuming that I don't really visit ineffective ones. Here are some possibly ineffective websites (found via the delightfully effective Google):

1. I can't figure out the purpose of this website (so it probably doesn't accomplish it). The background is also constantly doing this bouncing motion that drives my eyes crazy.
2. Too cluttered. Everything is a link.
3. Colors clash. Also, says it's business was "voted the best of the Northland." What does Northland even mean?
4. This website has hardly any information at all on the company that it represents. Basically, all it is is a phone number/address.


  1. Wow, I agree that the first website that you have as ineffective is really strange. I think it's also ineffective because you can't do what you want on it. You have to wait around for it to get to the point.

  2. I just got a gray screen when I tried to go to the first ineffective one. So yes, highly ineffective!:)
    I'm also a fan of Google. It is my homepage.

  3. I had the same issue.. with the isssues paper.. haha the whole cohesive thing, mine seemed quite "chunky" as well.that's a good way to fit it. Also, very good websit choices, people typically don't think of the common ones. Gotta love google!
